Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 538567    Company : GULFOILLUB    
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  Exchange Received Time  14/12/2017 16:08:29         Exchange Disseminated Time   14/12/2017 16:08:34              Time Taken   00:00:05
Sub.: Commencement of Commercial Operations at Chennai (Ennore) Plant.

In compliance with Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (Hereinafter referred to as 'Regulations') read with Para B of Part A of Schedule III of the Regulations and the relevant clauses of the Policy for determination of materiality of the Company, we wish to inform you that the commercial production for manufacturing of lubricants oil commences today i.e. December 14, 2017 at the Company's newly set-up Plant at Chennai (Ennore). The installed manufacturing capacity of new plant is 50,000 KL per annum.


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