Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 526397    Company : ALPHAGEO    
Outcome of Remuneration Committee Meeting 
  Exchange Disseminated Time     
Alphageo (India) Ltd has informed BSE that the Remuneration Committee of Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on January 02, 2014 has issued and allotted 2,50,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each at premium of Rs. 50/- per Equity Share to Promoters and Promoter Group on exercising their option, in terms of the issue, for conversion of 2,50,000 Warrants of Rs. 60/- each allotted on preferential basis on August 10, 2012 in compliance with the provisions of SEBl (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009 and in terms of Shareholders approval accorded at its Extra Ordinary General Meeting held on July 30, 2012.


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