Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 533227    Company : AHLEAST    
Ref: 10Th Annual General Meeting (AGM) - 28.07.2017
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  Exchange Received Time  06/07/2017 18:18:40         Exchange Disseminated Time   06/07/2017 18:18:49              Time Taken   00:00:09
With reference to our letter dated 5th July, 2017 and Regulations 30 & 47(1) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, please find enclosed herewith copies of public notice published by the Company by way of advertisement in newspapers viz., 'Business Standard' (English) and 'Ekdin' (Vernacular) dated 5th July, 2017.
The same is also available on the website of the Company viz., and Karvy Computershare Private Limited, our e-voting agency, at
The same is for your information and record.


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