Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532628    Company : 3IINFOLTD    
Outcome of Board MeetingDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  18/10/2017 16:05:57         Exchange Disseminated Time   18/10/2017 16:06:01              Time Taken   00:00:04
Further to our letter dated October 14, 2017, please find enclosed the revised financial results for the period ended September 30, 2017, with the following addition on page 3 of the financial results:
'The 3i Infotech Group ("the Group") undertakes sale of 'IT solutions' (software products & services, software development, consulting and IT infrastructure services) and 'Transaction services' (IT enabled services).These businesses have been considered as "Primary segments". The segment results have been arrived at before allocating certain expenses which are un-allocable in nature and are disclosed as "Selling and other expenses". Considering the nature of the Group's businesses, the assets and liabilities cannot be identified with any specific business segment and hence, the figures for capital employed have not been disclosed.'

The above note was inadvertently omitted. The error is highly regretted.
Please note that there is no change in any of the figures of the financial results.


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