Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 506235    Company : ALEMBICLTD    
Outcome of Board MeetingDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  23/01/2018 18:14:42         Exchange Disseminated Time   23/01/2018 18:14:48              Time Taken   00:00:06
1. Approved the Audited Standalone Financial Results for the quarter and nine months period ended 31st December, 2017.

2. Approved the proposal for buy-back of 1,02,50,000 fully paid up equity shares of the Company having face value of Rs.2/- each ('Equity Shares') (representing up to 3.84% of the total paid-up equity share capital of the Company) at a price not exceeding Rs.80/- (Rupees Eighty only) per Equity Share payable in cash for a total consideration not exceeding Rs.82,00,00,000/- (Rupees Eighty Two Crores Only), excluding transaction costs viz. fees, brokerage, applicable taxes such as securities transaction tax, goods and services tax, stamp duty, etc., from all the equity shareholders/beneficial owners of Equity Shares of the Company including promoters and members of promoter group, as on the record date, on a proportionate basis through the "Tender Offer" route using stock exchange mechanism.


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