Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532698    Company : NITINSPIN    
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  Exchange Received Time  04/11/2017 19:59:42         Exchange Disseminated Time   04/11/2017 19:59:44              Time Taken   00:00:02
i. Approved the closure of the Qualified Institutions Placement today, November 04, 2017;
ii. Determined and approved the issue price of Equity Shares to be allotted to eligible QIBs at Rs.115/- per Equity Share, including a premium of Rs.105/- per Equity Share, which is a premium of Rs. 1.08/- per Equity Share to the Floor Price of Rs. 113.92/- per Equity Share; and
iii. Approved and adopted the Placement Document dated November 04, 2017 in connection with the QIP.
iv. Approved the issue of confirmation of allocation notes ('CANs') for allocation of 93,85,765 Equity Shares to the QIBs.



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