Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532960    Company : DHANI    
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  Exchange Received Time  25/01/2018 21:54:32         Exchange Disseminated Time   25/01/2018 21:54:38              Time Taken   00:00:06
Board, at its meeting held on 21.09.17, approved issuance of equity & equity linked instruments including Equity Shares of way of a rights issue to its existing shareholders as on record date for an amount not exceeding Rs. 3,000 cr in terms of applicable laws (the'Issue'). For purpose of giving effect to Issue, Board authorized Securities Issuance Committee (SIC) to, inter alia, decide terms of Issue including rights entitlement ratio, total number, issue price, instrument options & other T&Cs for Issue. This is to inform that a meeting of SIC will be held on 31.01.18, to consider above stated matters including, to determine issue price for issuance of Equity Shares to be offered in Issue. Please note that Trading Window for dealing in Company's securities, previously closed on 17.01.2018 shall continue to remain closed until 02.02.2018. The trading window will open 48 hours after outcome of the said meeting is declared to the stock exchanges.


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