Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 506235    Company : ALEMBICLTD    
Intimation of Buy backDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  06/02/2018 16:23:23         Exchange Disseminated Time   06/02/2018 16:23:31              Time Taken   00:00:08
In furtherance to our intimation dated 23rd January, 2018 with respect to approval of buy-back of its equity shares , we hereby enclose a copy of postal ballot notice which is being sent to the equity shareholders holding equity shares of the Company as on cut-off date being Friday, 26th January, 2018, seeking approval for proposed buy-back of equity shares of the Company.

For the purpose of e-voting, voting period shall commence from Sunday, 11th February, 2018 (9.00 AM IST) and end on Monday, 12th March, 2018 (5.00 PM IST). In case of voting through postal ballot form, the duly completed postal ballot form should reach the Scrutinizer at M/s. Samdani Shah & Kabra, C/o. Alembic Limited, 5th Floor, Secretarial Department, Administration Building, Alembic Road, Vadodara - 390 003, Gujarat, India, not later than 05:00 P.M. IST on Monday, 12th March, 2018. The results of postal ballot will be announced on or before Wednesday, 14th March, 2018.


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