Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 506480    Company : GOCLCORP    
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  Exchange Received Time  05/04/2017 11:37:01         Exchange Disseminated Time   05/04/2017 11:37:06              Time Taken   00:00:05
We are informed that Houghton International, a subsidiary of the Hinduja Group's Gulf Oil International has entered into a definitive agreement to combine with Quaker Chemical (NYSE: KWR) to create a global leader in the space of process fluids, chemical specialties, and technical expertise to the global primary metals and metal working industries. The Hinduja conglomerate will be the largest shareholder in the combined public company. GOCL Corporation Limited, an Indian listed entity of the Hinduja Group which owns 10% equity in Houghton International, through its UK based subsidiary, HGHL Holdings Limited, UK (HGHL) will be entitled to approx. 2% in the combined entity.


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