Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 507815    Company : GILLETTE    
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  Exchange Received Time  22/12/2017 18:06:17         Exchange Disseminated Time   22/12/2017 18:06:23              Time Taken   00:00:06
We would like to inform you that promoter shareholders of the Company, viz., Wella India Haircosmetics Private Limited, Gillette Products Private Limited, Nexus Mercantile Private Limited and Mining Consultants (India) Private Limited ('transferor companies') have merged with another promoter group company, Gillette Diversified Operations Private Limited effective December 22, 2017. Consequent to abovementioned merger, shareholding of aforementioned transferor companies (93,84,905 shares constituting 28.80% of shareholding) has been transferred to the transferee company, viz., Gillette Diversified Operations Private Limited.

Pursuant to the above change, shareholding of Gillette Diversified Operations Private Limited in the Company has increased to 1,13,64,338 shares constituting 34.88% of total shareholding.


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