Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 509480    Company : BERGEPAINT    
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  Exchange Received Time  27/03/2017 16:56:30         Exchange Disseminated Time   27/03/2017 16:56:35              Time Taken   00:00:05
PRESS RELEASE Berger Paints India Limited (the Company) has commenced commercial production of its Automotive and General Industrial paints production plant having a capacity of 4,800 KL/MTper annum at Jejuri near Pune in Maharashtra on 27th March, 2017. This facility will strengthen the Company's supply capabilities in respect of Automotive and General Industrial paints and the capacity will be enhanced to 24,000 KL/MT per annum in phases. Berger Paints India Limited is a one of the largest paint companies in India with a gross turnover of more than Rs.5000 crores. Berger is present in all segments of paint including Decorative, Automotive, Industrial, Protective and Powder Coatings. For and on behalf of BERGER PAINTS INDIA LIMITED ANIRUDDHA SEN SR.VICE PRESIDENT & COMPANY SECRETARY Place: Kolkata Dated: 27th March, 2017


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