Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532875    Company : ADSL    
Updates on Buy back OfferDownload PDF
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Anand Rathi Advisors Ltd ("Manager to the Buyback") on behalf of Allied Digital Services Ltd ("Target Company" or "Company") has informed this Corrigendum to the Public Announcement ("Corrigendum") to the Equity Shareholders / Beneficial Owners of the equity shares of the Target Company, which is in continuation of & should be read in conjunction with the Public Announcement ("PA") dated April 04, 2011.

The Announcement is regarding in connection with the offer for buyback of Equity Shares from the open market through the electronic trading mechanism of the Stock Exchanges by the Target Company, pursuant to letter dated April 20, 2011 received from the Securities and Exchange Board of India.

The Equity Shareholders / Beneficial Owners of Equity Shares of the Company are requested to take the note of following modifications / changes made to the PA:

1. Para 5.6 of the PA stands modified as under:

Equity Shares of the Company are traded in the compulsory demat mode. Shareholders holding shares in physical from can sell their Equity Shares in the odd lot trading segment of BSE only. The orders for Buyback would be placed on weekly basis on both odd lot and normal segments of Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd and the National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.

2. A note has been incorporated in the clause 11.4 of PA stating:

The outstanding 2,00,000 warrants as on the date of the public notice have been converted into equal number of equity shares on April 01, 2011.

All other information and terms of the Buy-Back as disclosed in the PA remain unchanged. The capitalized terms and abbreviations used in this Corrigendum have the same meaning as ascribed to them in the PA, unless otherwise specified.

(For more details kindly refer Corporate Announcements on


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