Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 512296    Company : BHAGYANGR    
Intimation of Capital ReductionDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  16/05/2017 11:38:18         Exchange Disseminated Time   16/05/2017 11:38:22              Time Taken   00:00:04
We are pleased to inform you that the following equity shares of the Company after reduction of share capital pursuant to scheme of arrangement, shall be listed and admitted to dealings on the Exchanges viz., BSE & NSE with effect from Wednesday the 17th May, 2017 in the list of 'T' Group of Securities and the scrip will be in Trade-for-Trade segment for 10 trading days in terms of SEBI circular No.CIR/MRD/DP/02/2012 dated January 20, 2012: Name of the Company : Bhagyanagar India Limited Securities : 3,19,95,000 Equity Shares @ Rs.2/- each Distinctive numbers : 1 to 31995000 ISIN No. : INE458B01036 Scrip Code : 512296 (BSE) BHAGYANGR (NSE) Market Lot : 1 Face Value & Paid up value : Rs.2/- each fully paid up Further trading approval letters received from BSE & NSE are enclosed herein for your reference. Kindly take note of the same.


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