Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 513729    Company : AROGRANITE    
Aro Granite - Updates on Buy Back OfferDownload PDF
  Exchange Disseminated Time     
Sobhagya Capital Options Ltd ("Manager to the Buyback") on behalf of Aro Granite Industries Ltd ("Target Company") has issued this Corrigendum ("Corrigendum") to the Public Announcement to the Equity Shareholders / Beneficial Owners of the equity shares of the Target Company, which is in continuation of and should be read in conjunction with the Public Notice cum Public Announcement dated June 08, 2009 published on June 10, 2009, in compliance with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buy-Back of Securities) Regulations, 1998 for the time being in force including any statutory modifications and amendments from time to time ("Buy-Back Regulations")

The Corrigendum is being issued to correct certain information as advised by Securities and Exchange Board of India vide their letter reference No CFD/DCR/SKS/BRK/166754/09 dated June 17, 2009. The capitalized terms and abbreviations used in the corrigendum shall have the same meaning as defined in the, Announcement unless otherwise specified.

The equity shareholders/ beneficial owners of equity shares of the Target Company are requested to take note of the following modifications/changes

Point 13.7 has been modified as

"It may be noted that all the equity shares bought back by the Company may not be at a uniform price. Further the Company is under no obligation to place a buy order on daily basis. However, the Company shall at least once a week place orders on both normal as well as odd lot trading segments of the Stock Exchanges, as applicable."

Date of Opening of Buy-back

The Time Table of Buy-back remains the same as stated in the Announcement and the Buy-back would open on June 29, 2009.

All other information and terms of the Buy-back as disclosed in the Announcement remains unchanged.


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