Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532702    Company : GSPL    
Standalone Unaudited Financial Results For The Quarter And Half Year Ended On 30 September 2017Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  13/11/2017 18:09:23         Exchange Disseminated Time   13/11/2017 18:09:30              Time Taken   00:00:07
The Board Meeting of the Company was held as on date. The major outcomes of the said Board Meeting are as under:

1. The Board approved the standalone un-audited financial results of the Company for the quarter and half year ended 30th September, 2017. The Statutory Auditors have carried out a limited review of the said results. The copy of the standalone un-audited financial results along with the limited review report is enclosed herewith.

2. The Board approved allotment of 41,585 Equity Shares under Employees Stock Option Scheme - 2010 (ESOP - 2010) consequent to which the Paid-up Share Capital of the Company has increased from Rs. 5,63,76,70,190 to Rs. 5,63,80,86,040.

The meeting commenced at 4:30 pm and concluded at 5.45 pm.


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