Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 590006    Company : AMRUTANJAN    
Updates on Buy back Offer through Tender OfferDownload PDF
  Exchange Disseminated Time     
Amrutanjan Health Care Ltd has informed BSE about the following:

SPA Merchant Bankers Ltd ("Manager to the Buyback") on behalf of Amrutanjan Health Care Ltd ("Target Company") has informed this Corrigendum to the Public Announcement ("Corrigendum") to the Equity Shareholders / Beneficial Owners of the equity shares of the Target Company, which is in continuation of and should be read in conjunction with the Public Announcement ("PA") published on May 23, 2011 in connection with the offer for Buy-Back of equity shares of the Company through Tender Offer.

The capitalized terms and abbreviations used in this corrigendum have the same meaning as ascribed to them in the PA, unless otherwise specified.

The equity shareholders and beneficial owners of equity shares of Target Company are requested to note the following changes /amendments with respect to PA.

In point no. 12 of the PA, the words "consolidated financial statements" should be read as "standalone financial statements".

In point no. 14.2 of the PA, under the column "Post Buy Back Shareholding", the number of shares under public shareholding should be read as "14,50,271" instead of "14,72,792".

The table under point no. 15.2 of the PA is changed.

All other information and terms of the Buy-Back as disclosed in the PA remain unchanged.

(For more details kindly refer Corporate Announcements on


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