Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532216    Company : HBSL    
Closure of Trading WindowDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  27/01/2018 15:15:40         Exchange Disseminated Time   27/01/2018 15:15:50              Time Taken   00:00:10
CLOSURE OF TRADING WINDOW ( Correction to the earlier Intimation)

This further to intimation dated 22nd January 2018. Please read the corrected text wrongly sent earlier.

As per the Company's Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading read with Securities Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulation, 2015, the 'Trading window' for dealing in Equity Shares of the Company shall remain closed for all the Directors and designated Employees of the Company from 22nd January 2018 to 31st January 2018 (both days inclusive)

You are requested to take the above information on record.


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