Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 533212    Company : GKB    
Revised Statement Of Unaudited Standalone Financial Results For Quarter Ended June 30, 2017Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  11/08/2017 15:59:45         Exchange Disseminated Time   11/08/2017 15:59:48              Time Taken   00:00:03
In the Statement of Unaudited Standalone Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2017, submitted to Stock Exchanges on August 10, 2017, it was inadvertently mentioned in Note No. 5 as under :

Note No. 5 : ' The Company operates in one primary segment only i.e; Ophthalmic Lenses and therefore Accounting Standard (AS) 17 Segment Reporting is not applicable.'

Note No. 5 should be read as under :
' The Company operates in one primary segment only. i.e. Ophthalmic Lenses and therefore Indian Accounting Standard ('Ind AS') 108 ' Operating Segments ' is not applicable. '


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