Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 534597    Company : RTNINDIA    
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  Exchange Received Time  20/07/2017 17:04:23         Exchange Disseminated Time   20/07/2017 17:04:29              Time Taken   00:00:06
i Open offer by Laurel Energetics Pvt. Ltd. & Arbutus Consultancy LLP (Acquirers) for the shares of the RattanIndia Infrastructure Limited, the Company ('Open Offer').

ii Laurel Energetics Pvt. Ltd. v Securities Exchange Board of India, Civil Appeal No. 5675 of 2017 ; Arbutus Consultancy LLP vs SEBI Civil Appeal No. 5694 of 2017 (Collectively the 'Captioned Appeals') with the Supreme Court of India and

iii Final Order of the Securities Appellate Tribunal dated April 5, 2017 in Appeal No.(s) 123-124 filed by the Acquirers against the SEBI Observation Letter ( the SAT Order)

We have been informed by the Acquirers that the captioned appeals have been dismissed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court vide its order dated July 13, 2017. We understand from the Acquirers that they have applied for a certified copy of the order dated July 13, 2017, and are awaiting the same.

This is for your information and records please.


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