Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 514274    Company : AARVEEDEN    
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  Exchange Received Time  09/06/2017 15:17:19         Exchange Disseminated Time   09/06/2017 15:17:26              Time Taken   00:00:07
With reference to the fire insurance claim lodged with Oriental Insurance Company Limited and United India Insurance Company Limited in respect of the fire incidence happened on 1st March, 2015 at Company's Vijay Farm Unit, we are pleased to inform that United India Insurance Company Limited has settled the claim and paid Rs.6.74 crores (Rupees Six Crores Seventy Four Lacs) on 8th June, 2017 in full and final settlement.

Earlier with reference to our letter dated 20th January, 2017, Oriental Insurance Company Limited has paid Rs. 6.29 crores (Rupees Six Crores Twenty Nine Lacs) and settle their claim as co-insurer in said fire claim.

You are requested to take note of the same pursuant to regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.


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