Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 521070    Company : ALOKINDS    
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  Exchange Received Time  17/07/2017 19:47:09         Exchange Disseminated Time   17/07/2017 19:47:11              Time Taken   00:00:02
We have to inform you that the Board, vide their resolution dated 17th July, 2017 passed through circulation, has provided additional charge to the three whole time Directors of the Company, Mr. Ashok Jiwrajka, Mr. Dilip Jiwrajka and Mr. Surendra Jiwrajka with immediate effect and accordingly their amended designations would be as under:

1.Mr. Ashok Jiwrajka- Executive Director & Chief Executive (Home Textiles);
2.Mr. Dilip Jiwrajka- Managing Director & Chief Executive (Apparel Fabrics); and
3.Mr. Surendra Jiwrajka- Joint Managing Director & Chief Executive (Polyester)

All the terms and conditions with respect to the appointment of the above three directors including their remuneration will remain unchanged.


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