Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 500150    Company : FOSECOIND    
The 60Th Annual General Meeting Of The Members Of Foseco India Limited Will Be Held On Thursday, 27 April, 2017 At 1200 Hours (IST) At The Registered Office Of The Company At Gat Nos. 922 & 923, Sanaswadi, Taluka Shirur, District Pune-412 208, To Transact The Business As Laid Down In The Notice To The Shareholders.Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  03/04/2017 16:38:07         Exchange Disseminated Time   03/04/2017 16:38:09              Time Taken   00:00:02
The Register of Members and Share Transfer Books of the Company will remain closed from Saturday, 22 April, 2017 to Thursday, 27 April, 2017 (both days inclusive) for determining the entitlement of the shareholders to the payment of final dividend, if declared at the AGM. The final dividend, if declared at the AGM, shall be paid / credited on or before Friday, 26 May, 2017. The Company is providing its Members remote e-voting facility to exercise their right to vote on Resolutions proposed to be considered at the AGM. The voting period begins on Sunday, 23 April, 2017 at 1000 Hrs. (IST) and ends on Wednesday, 26 April, 2017 at 1700 Hrs. (IST). During this period, Shareholders' of the Company, holding shares either in physical form or in dematerialized form, as on the cut-off date being Thursday, 20 April, 2017 will be eligible to vote by electronic means or at the AGM. For further information, refer to the AGM Notice.


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