Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 533163    Company : ARSSINFRA    
Award_of_Order_Receipt_of_OrderDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  20/11/2017 18:42:14         Exchange Disseminated Time   20/11/2017 18:42:21              Time Taken   00:00:07
This is to intimate that a work order amounting to Rs.87.09 Crores namely 'Execution of balance work of roadbed, major & minor bridges, track linking, S&T service buildings, other civil works and outdoor signaling in connection with doubling work Between BLSN to RVH (In) Section (Excluding ANMD yard) and residential & other service buildings at MSMD & ANMD of Sambalpur Division of East Coast Railway & Raipur Division of SECR in the state of Chhattisgarh, INDIA a part of Raipur - Titlagarh Doubling' has been awarded in favour one of our Company ARSS Infrastructure Projects Limited by Rail Vikas Nigam Limited on 20th November, 2017.


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