Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532695    Company : CELEBRITY    
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  Exchange Received Time  27/05/2017 12:15:58         Exchange Disseminated Time   27/05/2017 12:16:07              Time Taken   00:00:09
This is to inform that Mrs. L. Visalakshi, has resigned from the post of Chief Financial Officer (Key Managerial Personnel) of the Company with effect from the close of business hours on 26th May, 2017 as part of internal restructuring and the same has been taken on record by the Board of directors. However, she will continue to serve as the Group Chief Financial Officer.

Further as approved by the audit committee, the Board of Directors at their meeting held on Friday,26th May, 2017 has approved the appointment of Mr. S. Venkataraghavan, General Manager (Finance & Accounts) as the Chief Financial Officer (Key Managerial Personnel) of the Company with effect from 27th May, 2017 and a brief profile of Mr. S. Venkataraghavan is enclosed.


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