Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 504741    Company : INDIANHUME    
Board Meeting RescheduledDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  02/09/2017 14:58:49         Exchange Disseminated Time   02/09/2017 14:58:57              Time Taken   00:00:08
In furtherance to our letter No.HP/SEC/1723 dated 11th August, 2017 we inform you that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company which was scheduled on 6th September, 2017 is rescheduled to 12th September, 2017. The said meeting will be held at the registered office at Construction House, 5, Walchand Hirachand Road, Ballard Estate, Mumbai - 400 001 to consider, inter-alia the Unaudited Financial Results for the 1st quarter ended 30th June, 2017. For the Company, the Financial Year 2017-18 is the first year of implementation of IND-AS. The information contained in this notice is also available on the Company's website and also on Stock Exchange's website at and


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