Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 500060    Company : BIRLACABLE    
Approval By Shareholders In AGM For Change In Statutory AuditorsDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  25/07/2017 17:55:21         Exchange Disseminated Time   25/07/2017 17:55:23              Time Taken   00:00:02
Pursuant to Regulation 30 and other regulations of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we wish to inform you that at the 25th Annual General Meeting of the Company held on Monday 24th July, 2017, the members of the Company have appointed Messrs Jain Pramod Jain & Co., Chartered Accountants (Firm Registration No.016746N) as Statutory Auditors of the Company in place of the retiring auditors Messrs V.Sankar Aiyar & Co., Chartered Accountants to hold office from the conclusion of the 25th Annual General Meeting of the Company until the conclusion of the 30th Annual General Meeting.


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