Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 502589    Company : VAPIENTER    
SUB: SUBMISSION OF THE CERTIFICATE UNDER CLAUSE 40(9) Of The SEBI(Listing Obligations And Disclosure Requirements) For The HALF YEAR From 1St October 2016 To 31St March 2017.Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  23/04/2017 10:30:19         Exchange Disseminated Time   23/04/2017 10:30:25              Time Taken   00:00:06
In accordance with guidelines and circular issued by Securities and Exchange Board of India, please find attached herewith copy of certificate under Clause 40(9) of the listing agreement as prepared by M/S VPP and Associates, Company Secretaries for the half yearly ended 31st March 2017. You are requested to take the information on record and inform all concerned accordingly and acknowledge. Thanking You, Yours' Faithfully, For Vapi Enterprise Limited (Formerly Vapi Paper Mills Ltd.) Manoj R. Patel Managing Director


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