Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 516092    Company : 3PLAND    
Response To Exchange Communication For Unaudited Financial Results June 2017Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  16/09/2017 15:42:37         Exchange Disseminated Time   16/09/2017 15:42:39              Time Taken   00:00:02
BSE Limited,
P. J. Towers, Dalal Street,
Mumbai 40001.

Dear Sir,
For kind atten: Mr. Rakesh Parekh

We refer to your email dated 12.09.2017 regarding deficiencies observed by you in Financial Results submitted by us for the quarter ended 30th June, 2017 and give our explanation as under.

1. XBRL filing of Financial Results is not as per IND AS format : Results are submitted correctly as IND AS is not applicable to us in view of item No. 3 below.

2. Reconciliation of Profit and Loss not submitted : For the quarter ending 30th June, 2017 the Ind-As is not applicable to the Company and hence Reconciliation of Profit and Loss is not applicable.

3. Financial Results not submitted as per Ind-AS Format : The Company is a Core Investment Company (CIC) within the meaning of Core Investment Companies (Reserve bank) Directions, 2016 with effect from 31st March, 2016. As per Rule 4(1)(iv) of the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) (Amendment) Rules, 2016, 'Ind-As' will apply to the Company from the Financial Year 2019-2020 which is also mentioned in note number 4 to the Financial Results.

Trust, you will find our above explanation in order.

Kindly take the results on record.



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