Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 531543    Company : JINDWORLD    
Submission Of Unaudited Standalone Financial Results Alongwith The Limited Review Report For The Quarter/Half Year Ended 30Th September, 2017 As Per Regulation 33 Of SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015 & Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 (IND-AS)Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  12/12/2017 19:32:33         Exchange Disseminated Time   12/12/2017 19:32:43              Time Taken   00:00:10
Pursuant to REGULATION 33 of the SEBI (LODR)Regulations, 2015 & SEBI Circular no. CIR/CFD/FAC/62/2016 dated 5th July, 2016, it is hereby informed that the Unaudited Standalone Financial Results along with the Limited Review Report of the Company for the Quarter/half year ended 30th September, 2017, prepared in accordance with Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 (IND-AS), has been duly considered, approved and taken on record by the Board of Directors at their meeting held on Tuesday, 12th day of December, 2017.

A copy of said Unaudited Standalone Financial Results alongwith a copy of Limited Review Report thereon as received from M/s. Saremal & Company, (FRN: 109281W) Chartered Accountants, Ahmedabad( the Statutory Auditors of the Company) for the quarter/half year ended 30th September, 2017 are enclosed herewith for your references and records.


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