Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 526947    Company : LAOPALA    
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  Exchange Received Time  17/05/2017 16:47:00         Exchange Disseminated Time   17/05/2017 16:47:04              Time Taken   00:00:04
The operations at our Madhupur Plant have been temporarily suspended due to unreasonable charter of demands by the Workers Union. The Management has taken a conscious decision, after taking into consideration a long term view, to temporarily suspend the operations at our Madhupur Plant. In the circumstance, the production of and dispatches from the Plant will be affected. However, to a great extent, these would be made up by the Sitarganj Unit, for which necessary steps have been initiated The decision to suspend the work has been taken to improve the present working atmosphere prevailing at the Plant. While we remain committed to our well established principles of good and cordial relationship with our people, but will not compromise on issues of discipline and pressure tactics. The company believes in fair treatment and as such, will keep the dialogue going with the union representative, so as to arrive at a mutual agreement at the earliest.


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