Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 511208    Company : IVC    
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  Exchange Received Time  10/05/2017 18:31:20         Exchange Disseminated Time   10/05/2017 18:31:26              Time Taken   00:00:06
Further to our intimation dated March 9, 2017 informing that, IIML Advisors LLC (Merging Entity) and IL&FS Investment Advisors LLC (Surviving Entity), both wholly owned subsidiaries of IL&FS Investment Managers Limited (IIML) had approved a Scheme of Arrangement and Amalgamation by which IIML Advisors LLC would merge into IL&FS Investment Advisors LLC subject to the approval of the Supreme Court of Mauritius. Please be informed that the Supreme Court of Mauritius has approved the Scheme of Arrangement and Amalgamation between IIML Advisors LLC and IL&FS Investment Advisors LLC and the said Court Order has been filed with Registrar of Companies, Mauritius


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