Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 533261    Company : EROSMEDIA    
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  Exchange Received Time  10/07/2017 17:44:48         Exchange Disseminated Time   10/07/2017 17:44:54              Time Taken   00:00:06
With profound sadness and regret, we would like to inform about sudden demise of Mr. Naresh Chandra, Chairman and Non-Executive Independent Director of the Company on July 9, 2017.
Mr. Chandra was associated with the Company as Chairman since September 2009 and was also a member / chairman of various committees of the Board. A former civil servant, he joined the Indian Administrative Services in 1956 and has been honoured with Padma Vibhushan, a highest civilian award, by the Government of India in 2007.
The Company has immensely benefited from Mr. Chandra's vision, guidance and support during his tenure. The Board of Directors and employees of Eros International Group deeply mourn this irreparable loss.


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