Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532702    Company : GSPL    
Scrutinizer's ReportDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  29/09/2017 14:52:22         Exchange Disseminated Time   29/09/2017 14:52:27              Time Taken   00:00:05
Sub: Proceedings of the 19th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company held on 28th September, 2017.

The 19th Annual General Meeting ('AGM') of Gujarat State Petronet Limited was held on 28th September, 2017 to transact the business as stated in the Notice convening the AGM.

In this regard please find enclosed the summary of the proceedings of the AGM of the Company as required under Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

Kindly take the same on record.


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