Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 533146    Company : DLINKINDIA    
Clarifies on News Item 
  Exchange Disseminated Time     
With reference to the news appeared in Financial Express dated June 06, 2015 captioned "D-LINK, Telangana in pact for Rs. 350 cr investment", D-Link (India) Ltd has Clarified to BSE as under :

"We wish to submit that D-Link (India) Limited ('the Company’) keeps evaluating various options, on an ongoing basis in ordinary course of business.

The Telangana Government officials during their visit to Taiwan have met the principals of D-Link Corporation having its headquarters in Taiwan and invited to make investments in the state of Telangana. The Company's officials who happened to be there at Taiwan during this time together with the officials of the D-Link Corporation met the Telangana Govt delegation. The Telanagana Govt officials requested to explore the business opportunities and the matter is still under preliminary discussions stage and had signed an Non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Taipei with officials of Telangana Government for probable future expansions and nothing definitive in this regard has happened.

The matter being in very initial stage, neither the Company nor the principals have issued any statements to the press. The Company will notify the exchanges upon occurrence of any definitive developments concerning D-Link (India) Limited in this regard."


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