Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 513375    Company : CARBORUNIV    
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  Exchange Received Time  02/01/2018 09:06:35         Exchange Disseminated Time   02/01/2018 09:06:44              Time Taken   00:00:09
Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements), Regulations 2015 we wish to inform you that Mr. Sridharan Rangarajan will be stepping down as the Chief Financial Officer of the Company with effect from the closing hours of 17th January 2018 as he would be taking up the role of Group - CFO of the Murugappa Group from 18th January 2018. The requisite disclosure in terms of circular no. CIR/CFD/CMD/4/2015 dated 9th September 2015 for change in the Key Managerial Personnel is enclosed herewith.

The Company is in the process of taking necessary steps to fill in the vacancy caused by Mr. Sridharan's movement within the Group.


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