Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532974    Company : BIRLAMONEY    
Outcome of Board MeetingDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  08/08/2017 15:09:51         Exchange Disseminated Time   08/08/2017 15:09:56              Time Taken   00:00:05
We wish to inform you that the Board of Directors at its meeting held today i.e. August 8, 2017 has inter-alia passed resolutions approving extension of benefits of the Aditya Birla Capital Limited Employee Stock Option Scheme 2017 ('Scheme 2017'), being the employee stock option scheme formulated and approved by the board of directors and members of Aditya Birla Capital Limited, the holding company of the Company, to the permanent employees in the management cadre, including managing and whole-time directors of the Company and the payment of costs, by the Company, pertaining to exercise of the stock options or restricted stock units, to be granted in terms of the Scheme 2017 to the employees of the Company. The Board also approved convening of an EGM by way of postal ballot and the issuance of a notice of postal ballot to the shareholders of the Company for the approval of the aforesaid payment by the Company.

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