Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 526027    Company : CUBEXTUB    
Sub: Statement Of Investor Complaints As Per Regulation 13(3) Of SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015
Period : From 1St April 2017 To 30Th June 2017

Name Of The Company: CUBEX TUBINGS LTD.
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  Exchange Received Time  20/07/2017 18:08:27         Exchange Disseminated Time   20/07/2017 18:08:32              Time Taken   00:00:05
Information is hereby given that the statement of Investor Complaints as per Regulation 13(3) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015, for the quarter ended 30th June 2017, is as follows:

Complaints (as on 1st April 2017) at the beginning of the Quarter Nil
Complaints received during the Quarter 0
Complaints resolved during the Quarter 0
Complaints pending at the end of the Quarter (as on 30th June 2017) Nil

This is for your information and records.

Thanks and Regards


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