Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 506235    Company : ALEMBICLTD    
Newspaper Advertisement For Addendum To The Notice Of Annual General Meeting Of The Company Scheduled To Be Held On 28Th July, 2017Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  19/07/2017 13:53:56         Exchange Disseminated Time   19/07/2017 13:54:00              Time Taken   00:00:04
With reference to the captioned matter, please find enclosed herewith copies of Addendum to the Notice of the 110th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company scheduled to be held on 28th July, 2017, published in English and vernacular language newspaper on 19th July, 2017 in Indian Express (English) and Financial Express (Gujarati).

We are also enclosing herewith the addendum to the Notice of the 110th Annual General Meeting.

We request you to please take the same on record.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For Alembic Limited

Drigesh Mittal
Company Secretary

Encl.: A/a.


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