Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 534597    Company : RTNINDIA    
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  Exchange Received Time  05/04/2017 13:43:39         Exchange Disseminated Time   05/04/2017 13:43:45              Time Taken   00:00:06
Sub: Proposed open offer for acquisition of upto 35,93,90,094 equity shares of the Target Company i.e. RattanIndia Infrastructure Limited ('Target Company'), by Arbutus Consultancy LLP and Laurel Energetics Private Limited (herein after collectively referred to as the Acquirers/Appellants). Reg.: Appeal No. 123 of 2016 filed by us with Securities Appellate Tribunal against the SEBI observation letter no. CFD/DCR2/OW/P/2016/13131/1 dated May 05, 2016 Dear Sir/Ma'am, This is further to the updates sent to you from time to time about the progress in the captioned matter, through the relevant letters to such effect. We write to inform you that the Hon'ble Securities Appellate Tribunal has, vide an order passed today i.e. on April 5, 2017 dismissed the appeal filed by us against the captioned SEBI observation letter. A detailed order in the matter is awaited and shall be duly sent to you upon receipt.


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