Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 517230    Company : PAEL    
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  Exchange Received Time  12/12/2017 14:40:38         Exchange Disseminated Time   12/12/2017 14:40:42              Time Taken   00:00:04
As per SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) 2015 and with reference to captioned subject, we do hereby intimate your esteemed exchange that:-
1. PAE Limited has entered into Share Purchase Agreement on 29.9.2017 between PAE Limited and Sudip Kumar Barua and Shurjo Energy Pvt. Ltd., for sale of 99.98% holding of its subsidiary company namely M/s. Shurjo Energy Pvt. Ltd., consisting of 45,637,673 Equity shares, in three tranches.

2. The amount and percentage of the turnover or income and net worth contributed by such unit or division to the listed entity during the last financial year :-
The amount and percentage of turnover or income and the net worth contributed by M/s. Shurjo Energy Pvt. Ltd., to the listed company during the last financial year is as follows:-
i. Turnover is minus Rs. 20.99 lacs and minus 20.36%.
ii. Net worth is minus Rs.477.55 lacs and 16.70%


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