Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 531768    Company : POLYMED    
Outcome of Committee MeetingDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  29/03/2017 12:30:27         Exchange Disseminated Time   29/03/2017 12:30:34              Time Taken   00:00:07
We wish to inform you that the Allotment committee of the Board of Directors of the Company, at its meeting held on today i.e. Wednesday, 29th March, 2017 has approved allotment of 4,41,13,440 (Four Crore Forty One Lacs Thirteen Thousand Four Hundred Forty only) fully paid Bonus Equity Shares of Rs. 5 each (Rs. Five) in the ratio of 1:1 (i.e. 1 (One) new equity bonus shares of Rs. 5 each for every 1 (one) existing fully paid equity share of Rs. 5 each held) to the members holding shares as on the Record Date i.e. 28th March, 2017.


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