Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 526881    Company : 63MOONS    
Financial Technologies (India) Ltd reply to clarification sought by the exchange 
  Exchange Disseminated Time     
The Exchange had sought clarification from Financial Technologies (India) Ltd with respect to news article appearing in Economic Times on June 19, 2015 titled "SAT dismisses FTIL appeal against MCX Clearing Corp"

Financial Technologies (India) Ltd replied stating "At the outset, it is unclear what clarifications BSE requires the Company to provide under Clause 36 of the Listing Agreement. As a policy, the Company does not usually comment on media reports. The Company, as is always the case, will report to the Exchanges any information of a price sensitive nature or information which has a bearing on the operations of FTIL. The outcome of the proceedings before SAT referred to in the news article is neither price sensitive nor has a bearing on the operations of FTIL."


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