Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 534597    Company : RTNINDIA    
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  Exchange Received Time  04/07/2017 21:46:29         Exchange Disseminated Time   04/07/2017 21:46:35              Time Taken   00:00:06
Open offer by Laurel Energetics Pvt. Ltd. & Arbutus Consultancy LLP for the shares of the company ('Open Offer')

We are in receipt of the enclosed letter dated July 4, 2017 from the Advocate on Record for Laurel Energetics Pvt. Ltd. & Arbutus Consultancy LLP ('Acquirers'), a copy of which is enclosed.

We request you to take note of the contents of the letter which are self explanatory. Please further note that the Company is not a party to the appeals. This is for your information and necessary action.


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