Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532887    Company : NTL    
Clarification from Sujana Towers Ltd 
  Exchange Disseminated Time     
The Exchange had sought clarification with respect to the scheduling of AGMs of Group companies i.e. Sujana Metal Products Ltd and Sujana Universal Industries Ltd on the same day i.e. September 30, 2014 at intervals of 1 to 1 ½ hour/s.

Sujana Towers Ltd replied as under:

"With respect to your mail, we would like to confirm that, Sujana Universal Industries Limited and Sujana Metal Products Limited will conclude their AGMs only after resolving all the investors queries.

Also confirm that, the AGM of the Sujana Towers Limited will conclude it's meeting only after resolving all the queries, if any, raised by the members attended at the meeting.

We once again ensure that all the queries raised by the shareholders in the above meetings will be resolved."

The Exchange has sought similar clarification from the other group companies i.e. Sujana Universal Industries Limited and Sujana Metal Products Limited.


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