Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532847    Company : HILTON    
Board Meeting To Be Held On 11/04/2017 On Shorter NoticeDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  10/04/2017 17:55:03         Exchange Disseminated Time   10/04/2017 17:55:09              Time Taken   00:00:06
We would like to inform you that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company has been scheduled to be held on Tuesday, 11th of April, 2017 on a shorter notice with the consent of all directors at the registered office of the Company to transact following business: 1.To execute various documents in respect of financial assistance to be obtained from M/s Sikkim Ferro Alloys Limited. 2.To consider any other matters with the permission of the chair. Kindly take the same on record. Thanking you, Yours truly Pragati Nathani Company Secretary


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