Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 505242    Company : DYNAMATECH    
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  Exchange Received Time  07/08/2017 12:52:45         Exchange Disseminated Time   07/08/2017 12:52:47              Time Taken   00:00:02
Dear Sir / Madam,

Dynamatic Technologies Limited ('Dynamatic') has been chosen as the supplier for the Front Fuselage assembly from HAL - LCA Division.

This LIGHT COMBAT AIRCRAFT (LCA) project is a long term contract which includes manufacturing of detail parts & Assemblies along with the jigs & fixture requirements.

Dynamatic is already a single source for the Sukhoi program on the major control surfaces. With the HAL-LCA program, Dynamatic will be providing expertise on the Fuselage as well.

We request you to please take the above on record and acknowledge.

Thank you.


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