Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532867    Company : V2RETAIL    
Notice of Postal BallotDownload PDF
  Exchange Disseminated Time     
Vishal Retail Ltd has informed BSE that the members of the Company will consider to approve by way of Postal Ballot the Special Resolution relating to sell and transfer as a going concern, on a slump sale basis and on such terms and conditions as are negotiated by the Board and/or the Managing Director (and deemed by them at their discretion to be in the best interest of the Company): (a) the Retail Trading Undertaking of the Company to a Company owned by the Shriram Group, a diversified industrial group headquartered in Chennai (the "Retail Company"), and (b) the Wholesale Trading, Institutional Sales and Franchise Operations Undertaking to a 100% Indian subsidiary of TPG VW, Limited (the "Wholesale Company") (each an "Undertaking" and collectively, the "Undertakings"), which amongst others is conducted by the Company under the name and style of "Vishal", "Vishal Retail", "Vishal Megamart" and "Vishal Fashion Mart", together with all rights, assets and interests pertaining to the Undertakings (including but not limited to inventory, stock-in trade, cash and cash equivalents, store leases, leasehold improvements and fit-outs, information technology systems, rights to all trademarks and intellectual property used and/or owned by the Undertakings and contractual entitlements of the Undertakings) and certain identified liabilities pertaining to the Undertakings, but not including the freehold properties of the Company i.e. not including properties in Hubli, Kolkata, Dehra Dun and Jabalpur, for a consideration of approximately Rs. 100 crores (Rupees Hundred Crores) to be discharged by the Wholesale Company and/or the Retail Company in the manner described in the Explanatory Statements and subject to such adjustments, which the Board and/or the Managing Director may deem appropriate, subject to necessary provisions & approvals.

The Board of Directors has appointed Mr. Deepak Kukreja, Company Secretary as the Scrutinizer for conducting the Postal Ballot process in a fair and transparent manner.

The Postal Ballot form duly completed should reach the scrutinizer not later than October 20, 2010. The scrutinizer will submit his report to the Chairman / Managing Director of the Company of the Company after completion of the scrutiny. The results of the postal ballot will be announced by the Chairman / Managing Director of the Company, or in his absence by any person so authorized by the Chairman / Managing Director on October 25, 2010.


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