Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 533163    Company : ARSSINFRA    
Award_of_Order_Receipt_of_OrderDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  31/08/2017 11:05:55         Exchange Disseminated Time   01/09/2017 14:59:38              Time Taken   03:53:43
This is to intimate that a work order amounting to Rs.15.78 Crores namely 'Jagdalpur - Koraut Doubling: Supplying, transporting and stacking of 90,000 cum of contractor's hard stone machine crushed Track Ballast as per Railway specifications between Ambagaon - Khadapa stations (from Km.270.40 to Km.244.00) on KK line of WAT Division of East Coast Railway ' has been awarded in favour one of our Joint Venture (JV) named 'ARSS-LGPPL (JV)' by by East Coast Railway on 24th August,2017 copy of which was received by us on 30th August, 2017


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