Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 526519    Company : ALPINEHOU    
AGM on September 26, 2015 
  Exchange Disseminated Time     03/09/2015 12:33:08
Alpine Housing Development Corporation Ltd has informed BSE that the Annual General Meeting of the Company scheduled to be held at 9.15 AM on Saturday, 26th September, 2015. at Sri Krishna Hall, Woodland Hotel Pvt Limited ,No 5 ,Raja Ram Raman Roy Road, Bengaluru, 560025.

Further, Pursuant to Clause 35B of the Listing Agreement along with the provisions of Sanction 108 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with the rule 20 of the Companies (Management & Administration) Rules, 2014, the Company is providing the e-voting facilities to its members enabling them to cast their vote electronically on all resolutions set forth in the Notice of Annual General Meeting, through e-voting facility by Central Depository Services Limited (CDSL).

The e-voting period commences on September 23, 2015 (09.00am 1ST) and ends on September 25, 2015 ( 05.00 P.M. 1ST) (both day inclusive).


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