Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 500126    Company : PGHL    
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  Exchange Received Time  22/09/2017 11:46:31         Exchange Disseminated Time   22/09/2017 11:46:38              Time Taken   00:00:07
Announcement for Closure of trading window.
This is for the information of all concerned that the Company has issued the notice on September 13, 2017 to close its trading window due to third quarter results for the quarter ending September 30, 2017. Please note that the Company vide earlier notification dated September 05, 2017 to its employees had closed trading window due to Merck KGaA, the ultimate holding company of the Company had announced that it is preparing strategic options for its Consumer Health business, including a potential full or partial sale of the business as well as strategic partnerships. As such, the trading window will remain closed until the expiry of 48 from the announcement of financial results for the third quarter ending September 30, 2017 or close of strategic option by Merck KGaA, whichever is later. We would be subsequently informing the date of the Board Meeting for the consideration and approval of the above mentioned un-audited financial results.


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